Imagine starting every day more positively?
"Your messages put the biggest,
brightest smile on my face
and fill me with laughter.
What a great way to start the day!"
- Suzi M
Phil My Cup is a refreshing shot of positivity from me to you - a 1-2 minute voice message - delivered to your phone each weekday morning.
How you start your day is how you end your day.
In a world, that can feel weighed down with negativity and challenges, it can be tough at times to start each day feeling happy and optimistic. But when you start happier, your day invariably turns out better.
Phil My Cup is not just a clever play on words.
It's an approach to life that helps you cultivate a growth mindset and view your life as a cup that's always (at least) half full to overflowing.
It all started when...
I (that's me, 'Big Phil') started sending some friends a WhatsApp voice message to encourage them in their day while we were all attending a conference together. They loved them and didn't want them to stop. Matthew would overhear as his wife listened to my daily voice message to her. After the conference, I was bowled over to receive this:
"I can't tell you how much I miss your morning messages to Regena...they were positively brilliant and, through osmosis, always put me in a brighter mood....how about a daily service of your unshakeable optimism, delivered to your phone each morning?"
Thank you Matthew for your inspiration!
If you'd like to start your day with a shot of positivity and laughter
to lift your spirits and encourage you to focus on the brighter side of life -
or to just feel less alone
Register for a free 2-week trial
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for a free 2-week trial
(no payment details needed)
See what a difference it makes to your day!
You'll get a daily WhatsApp voice message every weekday morning from me guaranteed to start your day with a smile!
If you want to keep it going after the trial, you pay what you can (between $4.99 and $8.99 a month - or the equivalent in another currency) for messages delivered daily Monday to Friday.
Here's a taster of what you can expect!
If you require the subscription in a different currency, email me and I'll see what I can do.
As a paid subscriber, you can cancel here at any time. I'll miss you!
Any other questions? Email me at phil@philmycup.com
Looking for a unique gift? How about a subscription to Phil My Cup?
Email me for 6-12 month gift options
Here's what others say:
- Susie B says:
"What better way to start your day than with a cuppa and some positivitee from Big Phil!"
- Bonnie B says:
"Phil's love of life and his upbeat positive outlook comes through so much, you can't help smiling! "